This is a very cool statue. It’s called “Winged Victory” and is located in Memorial Park alongside the St. John’s River near downtown Jacksonville, Florida. He stands tall and raises aloft an olive branch, an emblem of peace.

Recently researchers confirmed that adopting an upright posture (aka standing up straight) can reduce depression.
Got to love it. Here is yet another instance where scientists have confirmed what our mothers have always told us. You remember some of the admonitions: “Brush your teeth, eat your vegetables, and don’t slouch – stand up straight!”
Reducing the personal darkness of depression is a tremendous thing in itself. But that’s not all! It appears that sitting or standing upright promotes many other benefits: greater self-confidence, improved self-esteem, more enthusiasm, a sense of greater accomplishment, more alertness, reduced fatigue and increased positivity.
This makes sense because good posture maximizes circulation and decreases stress on the back. It just goes to show that when your body is working well, you feel better and you have a better sense of well-being.
So it’s beneficial to stand up straight each morning and face the day.
Maybe you might initiate a new morning routine:
- Get out of bed.
- Stretch your arms overhead.
- Lower your arms to your side and assume an upright posture.
- Say out loud something like the following: “This is going to be a good day. I will be able to handle whatever comes my way. Thank you for this day and all its opportunities.”
Standing tall is your message to your brain and the world that you will not be defeated. You are not a victim. Your upright posture sends the message that you are not helpless and that you are prepared to face whatever the day may bring your way. And maybe even more importantly, you send the message that you are worthy of a good life.
Stand up straight and put fear aside.
Stand up straight and accept all the good that life can bring to you.
Yes. Life is good.
So when you begin to feel down and maybe even overwhelmed, listen to your mother’s scientifically proven advice: Stand up straight!