Leon Logothetis is an interesting guy He was a London stockbroker who traded in his prosperous life for a life of adventure.
In 2014 Leon traveled around the world riding on a vintage yellow motorcycle. With no money…. None. … Relying on the kindness of strangers for gasoline, food and lodging.
His premise was that despite all of the bad stuff reported daily by the news media, there is still so much kindness practiced in our world today. Wherever he went, people helped him out. And at times when he saw significant need, Leon gave back to those who had helped him with life transforming results.
Leon Logothetis has written: “The more that you live with your heart, the richer you are.” And this is the kind of wealth that we can all obtain.
A film crew followed him during his journey. Leon’s experiences were made into a TV documentary series entitled “The Kindness Diaries”. Check it out on Netflix. It is amazing. It is inspiring.
Daily acts of kindness. It’s how we can each make a difference.
Daily acts of kindness are not hard. Most are not even time consuming.
The thing is to be open to others. Really look at that person in front of you. Really listen to that person with both your ears and your heart.
Here are some examples of acts of kindness that each of us can do:
- Encouraging words and a smile
- Visiting with the lonely
- Providing funding for micro-loans that help others achieve their dreams (check out Kiva.org)
- Sending a thank you note
- Make someone laugh
Now go make your own list. Your own acts of kindness.
It’s the little stuff of daily living that ends up defining who we are. Not being afraid to reach out – usually in small kind ways – is how we positively impact our world.
Mahatma Gandhi wrote “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” Why not begin right now?
We can transform our world – one act of kindness at a time.