If we were sunflowers, would we see ourselves as glorious and radiant? Or would we be a sad drooping mess?

Self-perception is a tricky business.
Twenty years ago, psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger were studying how people estimate their own levels of competence.
They concluded that incompetent people tend not to recognize their own incompetence. Instead, they tend to see themselves as much more competent than they actually are. They tended to overestimate their skill levels.
Conversely, competent people were found to underestimate their own competence.
This is now known as the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
Self-assessment is not always that accurate.
Good to know.
So these are my take-aways:
- If I believe myself to be competent in a particular area, I will probably benefit from further training or refresher opportunities. I should also seek out feedback from knowledgeable sources. Feedback provides helpful information for performance approval, no matter the actual level of expertise.
- If I believe myself to be less competent in a particular area, I’m probably more competent that I think. (It’s probably a case of beginning to know what I don’t know.) This is the point where I need to discard discouraging thoughts and forge ahead.
- I should not use the excuse of “I’ll never be good enough” to quit pursuing a particular dream.
- No matter if my self- assessment is favorable or unfavorable, I can choose to gain more knowledge and experience.
We are all good enough. But there is always room for improvement. We need not fear constructive advice from knowledgeable people.
Self-assessment of competency levels are important, but not as important as your belief that you deserve to live the life that you choose to live.

So …. How do you view yourself?
Why not see yourself as that glorious and radiant sunflower?
Why not be that person who chooses to live the life you choose to live?
Precious Sunflower, nothing is stopping you.
Not your age. Not your gender. Not your IQ. Not your income level. Not your circumstances.
Nothing is stopping you … but you.
Believe it.
Isn’t it time to get out of your own shadow of self-limiting, negative thoughts?
Choose the freedom of fully living your own precious and wonderful life!
You’ve got this.