I derive great pleasure from charitable giving. Knowing that my relatively modest gifts make a difference in other people’s lives is gratifying.
There are thousands and thousands of charities needing support. It’s just a matter of finding one that speaks to your heart.
My heart is drawn to sponsoring children in need. Through organizations such as World Vision and HIS Home for Children, monthly donations allow children in impoverished areas to grow up loved, nourished, healthy, and safe. I love to post photos of our sponsored children on the fridge. They are so precious.
I was able to see first hand children benefitting from the lunch program at schools in southern Haiti. In this rural mountainous area, a remarkable lady saw hungry children and started a lunch program. She understood that hunger hinders learning. Check it out at www.nellyshousehaiti.org
Here’s a photo of some of these children at lunch time.

My heart is also drawn to folks who are willing to work hard but just need a small loan to either start or improve their business. I was introduced to KIVA loans. You can check this out at www.kiva.org Through this program with each $25 loan that I make, I join many others to invest in people and their dreams for a better life. Now how cool is that!
This is how we change the world – one step at a time.
I invite you to turn some of your “green” into joy. Find a charitable opportunity that really grabs your heart and give from a place of love and gratitude. You will make a difference.
Joyful giving changes both the world and you.