It was a routine business trip, a routine flight, a routine city, a routine hotel.
As is my routine, I checked into my room and prepared to unpack. I opened my suitcase to hang up my clothes to be worn the next day.
That’s where routine hit a bump in the road. I stared at the contents of the suitcase. Everything but the suit and blouse.

I stared into the suitcase willing the clothes to appear. Not surprisingly, my clothes did not tele-port but stayed neatly folded at home where I had left them.
My super powers failing me, I turned to less super thoughts:
- It’s official. You are senile.
- How stupid can you be!
- Incompetent, incompetent, incompetent!
But were these thoughts true? Not really. Just hurtful and unhelpful stories.
I then chose to shake my head and smile. The truth was that I had allowed myself to get rushed and just didn’t put the clothes in the suitcase. Nothing more than not paying attention to the present.
When we don’t live in the present, things get left behind.
I was in luck. A routine clothing store was open and a new outfit was purchased.
This experience did get me thinking about what other things I might be forgetting to pack. Stuff that’s more essential than a business suit.
What are those essentials that I want to bring with me no matter where I go?
I started a list. My essentials include:
- Optimism and laughter
- My sense of self-worth
- My joy of living in this world
- My gratitude for each precious day
- My curiosity
- My faith
These are the valuables that I do not wish to ever misplace. I want them with me everyday, everywhere.
So that’s my list. What’s on yours?
What essentials will you routinely carry with you as you travel along your life’s path?
Make a list. Routinely pack the essentials for your daily travels.