I believe that opportunities for joy can be found in almost all circumstances. And this month I’ve had more than one opportunity to test this belief.
So here’s the question: can one find joy in airports and business travel?

My “home” airport is Chicago’s O’Hare (ORD). In the past month or so, the wait time in TSA security lines has routinely exceeded 90 minutes. Not fun. Naturally, I had five (5) business trips during May. Stellar planning, for sure.
Initially, I was pretty aggravated about the situation and was not operating from a place of joy. No, sir! Lots of outrage and conspiracy theories. Not a pretty sight. Not a happy feeling.
It was time for me to make a change. I chose not to fight reality.
The reality is that the lines are longer, way longer. To get on a plane, I must stand in a security line – a long line. That line was going to be there whether I was angry or peaceful.
I accepted the reality and let go of the negative thoughts.
Joy is a choice. With joy, I earned 7000 frequent flyer miles this month.
So yes, we can choose to find joy in airports.
In what unlikely places are you finding joy?