Want to be happy? Consider asking a Dane. Afterall, Denmark is considered one of the happiest countries in the world.
And these very happy people have a practice for surviving their long, cold winters. They call it “hygge” (pronounced HOO-GUH).
What is hygge? According to Visit Denmark, hygge is “a feeling, an experience, a sensation. It means creating a warm atmosphere. It is enjoying the good things in life with good people.”

Hygge is associated with a sense of cosiness. One can create personal cosiness by snuggling up before a fire with a cup of hot cocoa and a good book. Hygge is also about getting together with friends to enjoy warm food and good conversation. The point of practicing hygge is to support a sense of contentment and well-being. Ergo, happiness.
So how does one get this hygge? Remember – think HOO-GUH.
Here are a few suggestions:
- Rest. Stay home and snuggle up.
- Surround yourself with soothing things – candles, warm slippers, fleece, comfortable sweaters, puzzles.
- Light a fire or diffuse essential oils.
- Invite some friends over for hearty soup and warm bread.
- Host an evening where friends play board games. Serve cookies and hot cider.
Hygge is about simple and joyful everyday connections with yourself and your dear ones.
Winter is not yet over so there’s still plenty of time for you to practice some hygge. (Are you thinking HOO-GUH, yet?)
Get Hygge! Get Cozy! Get Joy!