The world looks different from thousands of feet in the air. Recently, I was a passenger in a Cessna piloted by my brother, Dave. We flew over the Leelanau Peninsula and the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore.

This is country that we have known all of our lives. The Dunes is the largest moving sand dunes in North American. The inland lakes are large. The tree covered hills created by Ice Age glaciers are steep. Yet what seems so big on the ground appears much smaller when viewed from high in the air. – It’s a different perspective.
Problems can feel so large and overwhelming. Yet, these same problems may seem smaller when one chooses to let go of one’s painful and fearful thoughts about these situations. – It’s a different perspective.
Job dissatisfaction in the United States is at an all-time high – over 50%. For many, it may be time to investigate new career paths and opportunities. – It’s a different perspective.
Complaining about not having… enough stuff…nicer stuff…bigger stuff – it’s an epidemic. Perhaps, the time has come to replace complaining with gratitude. Maybe it’s time to de-clutter and truly appreciate all that remains. – It’s a different perspective.
Maria Shriver recently wrote that she was going to give up complaining – at least for the summer. “No more complaints about my age, my body, my work, my friends, myself and none about how I grew up or about what my parents didn’t do right.” Instead, she intends to be grateful for all that is good in her life. – It’s a different perspective.
So what if we would choose to view our everyday lives from a different perspective? We might see that our problems are not so big that they can’t be solved. We might realize that we have the strength and bravery to move our lives into more satisfying directions. We might realize that the practice of gratitude yields more happiness.
So are you ready to “fly over your life” and try a different perspective?