“I’d rather eat a bug!” So someone exclaimed to me recently. It got me thinking. What does this phrase really mean?
In some parts of the world, there are folks who enjoy eating toasted or deep fried insects. It’s an excellent source of protein. My fairly finicky daughter surprised me by eating 4 deep fried beetles during a visit to Zimbabwe.
But to my way of thinking – Thank you, but NO. No way. No how.
To me, eating a bug is extreme. It’s distasteful. Maybe even revolting.
So what could be more distasteful than eating a bug?
I started a list. I’d rather eat a bug than…
- Jump out of an airplane.
- Sit on any amusement park ride,
- Watch a slasher movie.
- Listen to a bigoted, hate-filled rant.
- Attend a Justin Bieber concert.
That’s my public list. That’s my safe list. There’s no risk in sharing. I’ll get many nods of agreement.
But I also have a Not-So-Public list. Sometimes I rather eat a bug than…
- Forgive when I have been hurt.
- Admit to a personal failure.
- Reveal a shameful secret.
This is the more important list. It rarely involves physical safety. It’s about secrets and shame. It’s about believing lies.
The truth is that actually eating a bug isn’t that bad. What makes it revolting is all in the head. And many times, it’s those limiting thoughts that keep us from constructive activity.
So after some more consideration, I am officially inventing The Bug Test. Here’s how it works:
When you notice that you are avoiding actions that you find distasteful, stop and ask yourself: Which is worse, taking this action or eating a bug?
If the answer involves ingesting an insect, ask yourself why? …. What is so distasteful about (for instance) admitting to personal failure? …. Is it really that big of a deal? ….Is other peoples’ judgment that important? Are my concerns justified or imagined?
The Bug Test can help clear up obstructive thoughts that inhibit taking positive actions. It involves taking a hard look at your list of supposedly distasteful situations and activities to validate only the truly revolting. Shortening this list can be personally liberating.
So how much bug eating are you willing to take on in your life?