Begin with Joy

Heuristic Living

– Posted in: Heuristic Living

I learned a new word today – HEURISTIC.

A co-worker used heuristic in a sentence. Sadly, I don’t remember his point, but I did write  the word down on my notepad. Then I went to the dictionary.

Merriam Webster defined HEURISTIC as “using experience to learn and improve.”

Using our experiences to learn and improve. I like this approach to living.

What might happen if we took a heuristic approach to living?

  • We wouldn’t need to be perfect in order to use our experiences to learn and improve. In fact, many a successful person will say that it has been their failures that provided their most important lessons.
  • Heuristic Living might involve jumping into the deep end of life and then learning to stay afloat. Then this knowledge can lead to dog paddling, then to the free style, and maybe even to synchronized swimming.
  • This approach allows us to learn from our experiences – both positive and negative. There would be no reason to beat ourselves up when we didn’t live up to expectations.

Heuristic Living requires engaging in our surroundings and with others. This approach requires connection.

Heuristic Living challenges us to seek continual improvement.

(I could continue but I’m cutting this post short as I want to go and jump into some experiences.)


What can you learn from a recent experience? How can that learning drive improvement in your own life?

Consider this approach to heuristically support you along your own life’s journey.